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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Evolution of World Wide Web - WWW


World Wide Web (WWW) is the system of interlinked hypertext documents containing text, images, audio, videos, animation and more. User can view and navigate through these documents using hyperlinks or navigation elements which have references to another document or to the section of the same document. In a broader sense "The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge."

History of World Wide Web

WWW was first proposed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau while working at the CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research. Both of them came out with their individual proposal for Hypertext systems and later on they united and offered joint proposal. The term "Word Wide Web" was first introduced in that joint proposal. The history of every invention has lot of pre-history. Similarly the World Wide Web has also lot of pre-historical gradual development of hypertext system and internet protocols which made the WWW possible. The gradual development started in the early 1945, with the development of Memex, a device based on microfilms for storing huge amount of documents and facilitating organizing those documents. Later in 1968 "Hypertext" was introduced, which made linking and organization of documents fairly easy. In 1972 DARPA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency), started project that connect all research centers to facilitate data exchange which later adopted for military information exchange. In 1979 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) was invented to enable sharing of documents for large government project by separating content from the presentation and thereby enabling same document to be rendered in different ways. In 1989 Tim Berners-lee came out with Networked Hypertext system form CERN Laboratory. In 1990, joint proposal for hyper text system was presented and the term "World Wide Web" first introduced. In 1992 first portable browser was released by CERN, and that had picked up industry interest in internet development. Today web is so much popularized and has grown to be so invaded in to our lives; it becomes almost impossible to imagine the World without web.

Web Evolution - What and How?

Each technology has certain distinguished characteristics and features. Similarly web has certain features such as data, services, mess-up, APIs, social platform and more. These features are continuously and progressively evolving in distinct stages with qualitative improvements over the existing. Web evolution is categorized and hyped with some fancy marketing terms like "Web 1.0", "Web 2.0", "Social Web", "Web 3.0", "Pragmatic Semantic Web", "Pragmatic Web" and many more.

Yihong Ding, PHD candidate at Brigham Young University, in his article on "Evolution of Web" explained the development of Web by analogically comparing it with the human growth. Yihong Ding stated "The relationship between web pages and their webmasters is similar to the relationship between children and their parents. As well as parents raise their children, webmasters maintain and update their web pages. Human children have their normal stages of development, such as the newborn stage, pre-school stage, elementary-school stage, teenage stage, and so on. Analogically, web has its generations, such as Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and so on."

Along with technological advancement web design also changed over the period of time. Initial design was simple hypertext read only system which allowed users to read the information. User was just a viewer of what is presented on the web. Gradually images and tables added with evolution of HTML and web browsers, which allowed making better design. Development of photo-editing tools, web authoring tools and content management tools enabled designer to begin creating visually appealing website design layouts. In the next phase of development, web design changed with the change in usability and the focus is diverted on the users rather than the content of the website. User interaction and social touch is applied to the web design. Now user is not just a viewer. User can drive the web with feedback, information sharing, rating and personalization. Gradually we got the mature blend of function, form, content and interaction, called Read/Write Web. Continuing this evolution, meaning is added to the information presented on the web so that online virtual representatives of human can able to read and interprets the presented information. This kind of web where user agent imitating human behavior, can read and understand the information using artificial intelligence is called semantic web.

Web 1. 0 (Read Only Web)

World Wide Web is evolved in stages. First stage was the basic "Read Only" hypertext system also termed as Web 1.0 since the hype of Web 2.0. In fact in the original proposed web model, Tim Berners-Lee envisioned web as the Read/Write Model with HTTP PUT and HTTP DELETE method. These methods were almost never used just because of security reasons.

Some of the Characteristics of Web 1.0

1. In Web 1.0 web master is constantly engaged with responsibility of managing the content and keeps user updating. Majority of hyperlinks to the contents are manually assigned by the web master.

2. Web 1.0 does not support mass-publishing. The content on the website is published by the web master and thereby does not leverage the collective intelligence of users.

3. Web 1.0 uses basic hyper text mark up language for publishing content on the internet.

4. Web 1.0 pages do not support machine readable content. Only human who are web readers can understand the content.

5. Web 1.0 provides contact information (email, phone number, fax or address) for communication. Users have to use the off-line world for further communication with this contact information.

6. In Web 1.0, web pages are designed to react instinctively based on the programmed condition. Specific result or response is generated when the programmed condition is satisfied. Web 1.0 model does not understand remote request and can not prepare response for potential request in advance. To clearly understand above characteristics of web 1.0, Yihong Ding in his article on "Evolution of World Wide Web" has analogically correlated World of Web 1.0 with the world of a Newborn baby.

Newborn Baby : I have parents

Web-1.0 Page : Webmasters

Newborn Baby : Watch me, but I won't explain

Web-1.0 Page : Humans understand, machines don't

Newborn Baby : Talk to my parents if you want to discuss about me

Web-1.0 Page : Contact information (email, phone number, fax, address, ...)

Newborn Baby : My parents decide who my friends are. Actually, I don't care

Web-1.0 Page : Manually specified web links

Newborn Baby : Hug me, I smile; hit me, I cry (conditional reflex)

Web-1.0 Page : Reactive functions on web pages

Source: Analogy from the Article by Yihong Ding from "The web 1.0 pages are only babies.

Web 2. 0 (Read Write Web)

"Web 2.0 is the understanding that the network is the platform and on the network is platform roles for the business is different. And the cardinal role is user adds value. And figuring out how to built database and things to get better so that more people use that and it's the secret of web 2.0.

Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."[4]

In Web 2.0 the idea of Consumer (Users) and Producer (Web Master) is dissolving. Web 2.o is more about communications and user interactions. Web 2.0 is all about participation. "Content is the King" often cited quote during early web 1.0 days, is now turned in to "User is the King" in Web 2.0. In web 2.0 users communicates through blogging, wikis and social networking websites. Everything on the web is tagged, to facilitate easy and quick navigation. Web 2.0 is also about combining it all in one single page by means of tagging and AJAX with better usability via lots of white space, and a cleaner layout. The API ability makes it possible for programmers to mash up data feeds and databases to cross reference information from multiple sources in one page. In contrast with web 1.0, web 2.0 has collective intelligence of millions of users.

Web 2.0 is all about improved version of World Wide Web with changing role and evolving business model where users learned to communicate with the other users instead of just communicating with the publisher of the content.

Some of the Characteristics of Web 2.0

1. Web 2.0 is the second version of Web providing RIA (Rich Internet Application) by bringing in the desktop experience such as "Drag and Drop" on the webpage in browser.

2. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is the key piece in Web 2.0. Buzzwords around SOA are Feeds, RSS, web services and mash up, which defines how Web 2.0 application exposes functionality so that other applications can leverage and integrate those functionalities providing much richer set of applications.

3. Web 2.0 is the Social web. Web 2.0 Application tends to interact much more with the end user. End users are not only the users of the application but also the participants whether by tagging the content, whether he is contributing to the wiki or doing podcast for blogging. Due to the Social nature of application end user is the interval part of the data for the application, proving feedbacks and allowing application to leverage that user going to use it.

4. In Web 2.0 philosophy and strategy is that "The Web is open". Content is available to be moved and changed by any user. Web site content is not controlled by the people who made the web site but by the user who are using the web site.

5. In Web 2.0 Data is the driving force. Users are spending much more time online and started generating content in their passive time. Web 2.0 requires some of the key technologies to be used in the development of web pages. One of the important technologies is the AJAX which supports development of rich user experience.

6. Web 2.0 websites typically include some of the following key technologies.

- RSS (Really Simple Syndication), which allows users to syndicate, aggregate and to set up the notification of the data using feeds.

- Mashups, which makes it possible to merge the content from different sources, allowing new form of reusing of the information via public interface or APIs.

- Wikis and Forums to support user generated content.

- Tagging, which allows users to specify and attach human readable keyword to web resource.

- AJAX - Asynchronous Java Script and XML, which is the web development technique, allowing exchange of interactive data behind the scene without reloading the web page.

To clearly understand above characteristics of web 2.0, Yihong Ding in his article on "Evolution of World Wide Web" has analogically correlated World of Web 2.0 with the world of a Pre-School Kid.

Pre-School Kid : I have parents

Web-2.0 Page : Webmasters (blog owners)

Pre-School Kid : Parents teach me knowledge (though often not well organized)

Web-2.0 Page : Tagging

Pre-School Kid : I understand but maybe imprecise and incorrect

Web-2.0 Page : Folksonomy

Pre-School Kid : I can deliver and distribute messages, especially for my parents

Web-2.0 Page : Blogging technology

Pre-School Kid : Who my friends are is primarily determined by my parents' social activities and their teaching

Web-2.0 Page : Social network

Pre-School Kid : Multiple of us can be coordinated to do something beyond individual's capabilities

Web-2.0 Page : Web widget, mashup

Pre-School Kid : I can do suggestion based on my communication with friends

Web-2.0 Page : Collective intelligence

Following table distinguish the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

Web 1.0 is about : Reading

Web 2.0 is about : Reading /Writing

Web 1.0 is about : Publishing

Web 2.0 is about : Feedbacks, Reviews, Personalization

Web 1.0 is about : Linking Content using Hyperlinks

Web 2.0 is about : mashup

Web 1.0 is about : Companies

Web 2.0 is about : CommunityCommunity

Web 1.0 is about : Client-Server

Web 2.0 is about : Peer to Peer

Web 1.0 is about : HTML

Web 2.0 is about : XML

Web 1.0 is about : Home Pages

Web 2.0 is about : Blogs and Wikis

Web 1.0 is about : Portals

Web 2.0 is about : RSS

Web 1.0 is about : Taxonomy

Web 2.0 is about : Tags

Web 1.0 is about : Owning

Web 2.0 is about : Sharing

Web 1.0 is about : Web form

Web 2.0 is about : Web Application

Web 1.0 is about : Hardware Cost

Web 2.0 is about : Bandwidth Cost

Web 3. 0 (Semantic Web)

Web is no longer linking and tagging of information and resources. With the advent of semantic web concept, special information is attached to the resources or information so that machine can understand and read just like human.

Timer Berner Lee envisioned

"I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web - the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A 'Semantic Web', which should make this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The 'intelligent agents' people have touted for ages will finally materialize."

Semantic Web has derived from his vision of web as the universal medium for exchange of data, information and knowledge. Web 3.0 or Semantic Web is an Executable Phase of Web Development where dynamic applications provides interactive services and facilitates machine to machine interaction. Tim Berner Lee has further stated

"People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics - everything rippling and folding and looking misty - on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you'll have access to an unbelievable data resource." Semantic web is the an extension of World Wide Web in which web content is expressed in machine readable language, not just in nature language, so that user agents can read, process and understand the content using artificial intelligence imitating human behavior. In other words Semantic Web is an extension of the web where content expressed can be processed independently by intelligent software agents.

There can be several agents one can program within the context of vocabulary of the vertical domain.

For example

"Travel Agent", who keep searching chipset air tickets based on your criteria and notify you when it gets the perfect one.

"Personal Shopper Agent", who keeps looking for the specific product on the eBay and get it for you once it finds the one that match with all of your criterions.

Similarly we can have "Real Estate Agent", "Personal Financial Advisor Agent" and many more.

All user is doing is just creating their personal agent which talks with the web services which are exposed publicly and there by taking care of lots of repetitive tasks.

Precisely Web 3.0 = Every human + Every device + Every Information

Characteristics of Semantic Web

1. Unlike database driven websites, In Semantic Web database is not centralized.

2. Semantic Web is the Open System where schema is not fixed as it may take any arbitrary source of data.

3. Semantic Web requires using Meta description languages such as Web Ontology Language and the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Annotation requires lot of time and effort.

Web n.0 - a Glimpse of the Future

Let me add one more element to the previous formula

Web 3.0 = Every human + Every device + Every Information = Everything in the context of current technology advancement.

Web 3.0 is still evolving and it is going to encompass everything. One can not envision anything beyond web 3.0 in the current technology advancement.

Breaking all current technological capabilities Raymond Kurzweil, the inventor of OCR (Optical Character Reader) envisioned Web 4.0 as the Web OS with intelligent user agents acting parallel to human brain. Following figure illustrate the evolution of Web along with technology advancement and the semantics of social connections. Source: Nova Spivack and Radar Networks


The evolution of web has gone through phases as mentioned in this article and that has introduced numerous technologies and concepts in various areas; software, communication, hardware, marketing, advertising, content sharing, publicity, finance and many more.

In a way the World Wide Web has changed the way people were used to look at things earlier. I believe this evolution is never ending and moving towards excellence.


A historical view and analogical study of the Evolution of World Wide Web by Yihong Ding, PHD Candidate at Brigham Young University.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Telephone Slamming - Beware of Sales Scams

Telephone 'slamming' is a term commonly used to describe the deceitful and illegal practice used by unscrupulous telecom sales companies.

'Slamming' is a problem that can affect both landline customers and users of contract mobile phones. Victims of the practice are approached by a sales company often pretending to be the user's mobile provider. The call is often timed to coincide just before the customer's contract renewal date. The salesperson will normally offer the customer with what seems to be a 'once in a lifetime' deal and pressure is normally applied for the customer to sign up immediately.

Many 'slamming' victims have reported to have been switched from one Telecom Company to another without prior knowledge or consent.

Research carried recently revealed that as many as 70% have received sales calls offering a hard to resist deal, with 65% of those receiving it from a company that was not their current provider. Out of those who agreed to sign up for a deal, 20% were left with a service that didn't match up to what they had been promised.

Head of mobile phones at a price comparison site, commented "These calls have become normal practice for many sales companies. Ofcom is taking a step in the right direction to try and regulate the sale of mobile phones. However, the regulation is only voluntary and so far only five of the big six mobile operators have signed up.

Under the new code, sales companies have to tell the customer which network they are calling on behalf of and the network is then obliged to deal with any complaints.

"I still feel more could be done to tackle this problem especially when regulating sales companies based abroad. In the meantime, I would urge people to be wary of any unsolicited contact. Although at first these deals can look quite attractive, they may not be what they seem."

If you are approached by a sales company who are offering mobile phone deals that seem too good to be true then treat them with suspicion.

If you have already fallen prey to any form of unethical sales practices carried out by telecom sales companies, then you should raise a complaint with the independent regulator Ofcom. More details can be found at their webpage

Compare mobile phones.

Search and compare mobile phones and mobile phone deals at

Broadband - Going Underground

Experts have warned that the speed of Britain's broadband is falling way behind that of our European neighbours.

With high-speed internet access becoming more and more of a necessity, we are running the risk of future internet developments accelerating away from what our aging UK networks can cope with.

Britain's broadband is delivered to the majority of users via twisted-pair telephone lines. This broadband technology depends upon advanced digital signal processing and creative algorithms to compress data. This new technology is relying on the old technology of the UK's aging phone networks to deliver the service and cracks are now beginning to show.

Broadband customers are increasingly becoming dissatisfied with the speeds they are receiving; this has not been helped by ISP's luring customers in with promises of cheap broadband with speeds of "up to" 8Mbps. The reality is that few will be able to achieve even half this speed.

There are too many factors that can affect the quality of broadband speeds via the telephone line to ever make it a reliable service. These include:

• How close you are to the exchange (the closer you are then the faster your connection)

• The amount of people being served by your local exchange

• The length and gauge of the line from the exchange

• Electromagnetic noise from other lines. So basically, this can mean the quality of the wiring within your own house.

• The quality of the modem you use

It's obvious that we need a new way of delivering broadband to the users if we are ever going to keep up with the rest of the world.

Fibre optics is the way forward, but laying fibre cables to every house in the UK is impractical and expensive.

A solution to the problem could lie in using 360,000 miles of pipelines that are already under our feet. The sewage systems!

A company called H20 Networks has already provided super fast broadband to Universities in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Bournemouth via their sewage systems. They are enjoying high-speed fibre connections that provide speeds of up to 20Gbps!

It's a cost effective and quick solution to what would be an expensive and time consuming problem. With Japan and Paris already using sewer-based fibre networks, it looks likely that Britain will be forced to follow suit. For the millions of internet users who are already beginning to get impatient with their service providers false promises, this can't come soon enough.

One search to compare UK broadband internet providers.

For more information on broadband and for great deals on cheap broadband visit

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Monday, December 10, 2007

WLAN - Basic Knowledge

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network - means technology which allows to build wireless data networks with satisfactory parameters and quite large range of operation at a comparatively low cost. Additional advantage of this technology is short time needed for its implementation.

Potentiality of WLAN:

* wireless access to local network in home, office, business etc.

* wireless access to the Net in public space, e.g. in airports, stations, cafes etc. (hot-spot)

* wireless point-to-point links (connecting LAN networks, telemetry, remote control, remote monitoring)

* wireless access to the Internet (both in cities and in the country)

* emergency communications link (duplication of wired network)


- 802.11a - in 5 GHz band: 5.150 - 5.350 GHz and 5.470 - 5.725 GHz, transfer rate up to 54 Mbps;
- 802.11b - in 2.4 GHz band: 2.4 - 2.483 GHz, transfer rate up to 11 Mbps;
- 802.11g - in 2.4 GHz band: 2.4 - 2.483 GHz, transfer rate up to 54 Mbps;

There are also more standars in use:

- 802.11f - IAPP - Inter Access Point Protocol - for cooperation between access points;
- 802.11i - standard defining new security methods in wireless networks;
- 802.11n - standard for transmitting multimedia in homes using MIMO technology, up to 300 Mbps;
- 802.11e - standard defining QoS - support for high quality of services;
- 802.16 - WiMax standard for backbone networks of high capacity.

Wireless network range

It should be realized that the range of a wireless network depends on many factors. We can have an influence on some of them and the rest is unknown. The range of wireless network depends on:

- output power
- cable attenuation
- gain of antennas
- sensitivity of devices
- attenuation between antennas
- interferences from other devices
- influence of physical barriers (walls, floors, trees)

So, if we want to know what would be the effective range of our network we have to gather the information mentioned above and carry out simple calculations showed in the further part of this self-help book.

For more details you can search here:

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Everything You Need to Know About Country Calling Codes

You know the drill by heart. If you are calling a local number, you only have to dial the exchange and the four digit number. When you are calling a number that would be considered long distance, you have to add the area code. Most people make calls within their own country, and that means dialing a one, and then the area code, exchange, and the last four digits. However, when you want to call a different country, you won't get through without a country calling code that identifies where your call should be going.

You know that your area code identifies where you live. There are some states that have just one, but many have more than one. I depends on the population. This allows numbers to be reused around the country without running out. If there were not area codes, there simply would not be enough numbers for everyone. The popularity of cell phones has added even more area codes throughout the country. Think of a country code as an area code that works worldwide. Without it, your call could go anywhere.

If you live in the United States, and you wish to call Australia, there are a few things to add in front of the number that you already have. You must first dial 011. That number tells the calling system that you are dialing overseas to a certain part of the world. This code will be different depending on where you are calling. You must then add 61 to the number. That identifies your requested location for your call to be Australia. There is also a city code that you can find by looking up the state. New South Wales, for example, has five different city codes. This can be confusing, but if you take it one step at a time, your call can go through to the right number.

Instead of making yourself crazy wondering if you are going to be dialing the right number, you can find the information in a rather easy form in some places. There is no sense in paying money for dialing wrong. Though many now have free domestic long distance, the same cannot be said for calling overseas. There are many great websites out there that give you the information you need about what country codes you need to dial anywhere in the world. They are set up to be very user friendly and anyone can use them for free.

If looking online is not an option when you need to make an international call, you can look in the front of your phone book. There should be detailed information there to help you out. If not, you may need to call your phone company and ask for customer service. They should be able to give you the proper codes to make your call.

Martin Verite is a freelance reporter and technologist who has spent years covering the telecommunications industry. Find out everything you need to know about reverse cell phone lookups at his site

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

When are GPS Accessories Not Optional?

While most GPS units come with all the accessories you could ever want some just seem to be missing the part that you thought would come with all GPSs. The older Garmin StreetPilot 2620 came with a sandbag to hold it down, but you may need the Temporary Dashboard Disks> to make the unit stable enough in your vehicle. The pint is that you should always know what is included in the box and how that will or will not function in your vehicle.

Another reason to be interested in the Accessories for you GPS is to consider the vehicle(s) that this unit will be used in. If you own a boat, ATV, snowmobile or any other alternative transportation vehicle that could use a GPS, then you should consider a special mount such as the "Lobster Mount - Shrimp GPS Mount" these mounts are designed with the special needs of the vehicles you are using them on.

Another unique accessory is an external antenna that is used when reception is bad. Bad reception can be caused by many things such as trees or tall buildings. No one can foresee driving under trees, but if you drive in big cities, NYC, you may need an external antenna, some unit take an external antenna and some units don't, check the model you want before you make a purchase. Another thing that causes bad reception is, if the front wind is straight down like in a truck and the GPS unit needs to be away from the window, so the driver can view the screen well.

A completely different type of Accessory is one that is required for certain functions. Like the Garmin StreetPilot 7200 that has the ability to reroute around traffic. It can only perform this function if the optional GTM 10, GTM 11 or GXM 30 antenna accessory is purchased.

Most people think that accessories for a GPS are just a carrying case or a replacement power cord.Todays GPSs have many option and features, like remotes and memory card slots(for updates).Knowing what you are going to use the unit for can help you get a bigger picture of what you really need to be included and hence give you a better idea of the total price of the GPS unit. I hope this article has given you some insight to why accessories are not optional for some GPS installations.

Find discount GPS accessories, at

Stephen Navazio has been work with GPS unit for several years he has had to evaluate and program GPS. He can be reached at

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Monday, December 3, 2007

How To Reduce Your Telephone Bill?

Telephone bills can be astronomical sums of money especially if all your loved ones are staying far away from home. This is the time when staying connected is necessary at the same times it becomes unaffordable as recurring high cost telephone bills keep coming in. High telephone bills can burn a hole in your pocket, but this can be avoided quite successfully, in fact this is so simple that you will be wondering why you did not look for this option before.

There was a communication simplicity and inexpensiveness brought in by email providers like the Yahoo and Hotmail brought in the instant messengers for all users. It was through these providers that people like me could talk to my husband inexpensively on a regular basis when my husband was away for almost a year. However, there is a basic requirement of computer on both ends and Internet connection, if you want to talk or video chat, in short words if you want to communicate.

This is not possible in all situations, surely you need to talk to your loved one, but it is impossible to ensure a computer and Internet connection absolutely everywhere you go. These instant messengers and communicators created another type of breakthrough in the communications industry, now you can communicate at local rates by even by calling over seas numbers, you can talk for free with each other locally for hours free without having to think without those bloating phone bills.

Though you need to have a computer at one end but it is not necessary at the other end, all you require is a number for you and the other person whereby it becomes very easy to call and receive calls. Your call can be local, which generally can happen for free, your call can be long distance of overseas most of the times you are expected to pay a one time fee.

Though how this is done is not clear as yet, would love to know how they make the technology work to reduce phone costs to this extent, but this is being tried by several people. In fact so many business people use these methods so that their unique number can be tried by their clients at any point of time and anywhere in the world.

There are several options available to reduce certain costs that are recurring and can be a pain sometimes since these costs tend to overburden the home budget, but you will find dozens of options if you can look for them in right place.

Find out more about reducing telephone bills

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need a registry repair download to get rid of the errors on your computer?

Do you need a registry repair download to get rid of the errors on your computer? Being one of the most important components of your computer, you should look to download a cleaner that is reliable so that it does not get damaged. You also need to ask yourself whether you need a registry cleaner, and if you do, which one you should get.

Those were all the questions that were running through my head when I was looking to fix my system. At first, I was thinking that I might have to replace my PC with a new one as I thought that it was beyond repair. It was really slow and giving me so many error messages that I could not complete any work with it. Luckily for me, I managed to repair my computer easily with software I had downloaded from the internet, and it helped me to remove all the errors.

1. Common Symptoms Of Registry Errors

Errors in your PC system can cause different negative effects on your computer, depending on the types of errors. The most common one is probably a significant slowdown in your computer speed. This is immediately evident because the waiting time is often very frustrating for the user. Another common one is the blue screen of death which will tell users that there is an illegal operation in the system. Other than the blue screen, users may also encounter random error messages that pop out for seemingly no reason. The only way to get rid of all the errors in your system is to download and run cleaner software.

2. Which Software Should You Download?

With the abundance of registry cleaners on the internet, it can be confusing to know which the right one for you is. I have personally found that there are many which do not do a very good job, like not finding all the errors or not properly cleaning up the system.

The software that I use lets me schedule a weekly scan of the registry so that I do not have to remember when I last scanned the computer. Many cleaners on the internet do not support this feature, and I do not encourage you to get one without it.

3. Conclusion

To find out which is the right registry cleaner for you, you may want to find a review of the best ones before downloading one. Most importantly, it should be simple enough that you can learn to use it easily.

Repairing my registry has made my computer run much faster than before. The error messages that were appearing are gone now, and I realized that I did not have to buy a new computer after all. To download the top rated software that I have used, visit the website link below to learn more about it.

Are you looking for the best registry repair software to download? Read the author's review of the Best Registry Cleaners on the market now at and completely clean up your computer registry in 2 minutes!

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